About Midlothian Private School
Mission Statement
The success of our school model is defined by the individual successes of our students, in that our students leave us having a stronger work ethic, knowing they can do hard things, and knowing how to socially and emotionally interact in different environments because of a well-defined moral foundation and having a strong identity in Christ.
Psalms 33:11-12
Morality and Character
An educated mind isn’t the only thing a child needs to grow into a productive, successful citizen. Children also need to have good, moral characters and an understanding of the importance of selflessness, truthfulness, respect, and responsibility. Our students will begin to understand these things by learning that God is the creator and He loves us. It is vital for children to know they are loved unconditionally and that begins with understanding God’s unending love for us. We also want our students to understand that a good work ethic will lead to a fulfilling life. When challenges arise, we want our students to know they can make responsible decisions within their control. Our students will also be taught that every action they take has consequences. Our children are the future, and we believe teaching them moral responsibility helps root them in a strong foundation.
Educational Philosophy
We encourage students to reach their full potential by providing them individual attention in a small group setting and by building nurturing relationships between students and teachers. Our teachers are given the time and resources to teach children according to each child’s predominant learning style, whether that is visually, auditorily, or kinesthetically. We know that what the hands do, the mind remembers. Therefore, we provide young children the time and space to learn through play, knowing that it also builds interpersonal and social skills that are vital for child development. And what good is learning if we don’t apply what we learn? Our “Kids Community” Fridays focus on applying the week’s content to hands-on learning to be applied to our students’ own lives and to add value to their community. Most importantly, our ultimate goal is to teach children to think for themselves, to seek out answers, to be responsible for their education, and to become their own best advocates. We want to provide a strong foundation to grow lifelong learners who will be questioning, reading, and growing long after their formal education is complete.
Statement of Faith
Midlothian Private School is a Christian faith-based school. The following statements describe what we as a school stand for and what we will teach in the classroom:
We believe that there is one God, who created this earth and its people.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and nothing should be added or taken away from it.
We believe that God loves all people, and it is our job to serve and love those around us.
We believe that there is an absolute truth and that all morality stems from this truth.
We believe that God exists as a trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—each equally God.
We believe that Jesus led a sin-less life, then acted as a sacrifice for us in His death on the cross. He rose three days later and ascended to heaven. It is our belief in Christ as Lord that brings us salvation.
We believe that God created man and woman, who are both uniquely made and valuable, and that marriage is designed for one man and one woman.
MPS does not associate with any particular denomination within the protestant Christian faith. We do not have designated Chapel Time. Our desire is to not separate discussions of God and the Bible from our regular activities but rather to integrate it into our student’s lives. Our curriculum and activities use Bible verses, stories, and parables throughout lessons to teach morals and God’s love for us.
All procedures, policies, and curriculum will be reflected in these beliefs.